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Treatment Plan for Sport Injury


Treatment Plan for Sport Injury



1. 新汉方TTS治疗运动损伤原理

The treatment principle for sports injuries by Sino Hanfang TTS



activating the meridian: By using Sino Hanfang Powered Thermal-Controlled drug delivery technology, the drug which promotes blood circulation and removes meridian obstruction can be delivered to targeted tissue where pain is alleviated after Qi and blood activated, cold damp dispelled, ecchymosis dissipated, and meridian warmed.



Thermal effect: The globe latest technology of automatic thermal-control system of Sino Hanfang TTS could evenly increase the temperature of the targeted and sealed site and stimulate local blood vessel to expand and promote local blood and lymph circulation. Accordingly, it can reduce swelling, ease pain, dissipate ecchymosisrelieve muscular spasm and promote injury healing.



Sport injuries suitable for treatment by Sino Hanfang TTS



Acute closed sport injuries.



Chronic closed sport injuries.



Treatment plan for sport injuries by Sino Hanfang TTS



Acute injury



Early stage: To judge the degree of injury, if it is very serious, the swelling and bruise is obvious. To treat it  according to the conventional emergency treatment principle (RICE), cold compress, pressurization, and elevation etc.


Treatment plan: It is prohibited to use Sino Hanfang TTS within 24 hours after acute injury. Treatment around the swelling point can be applied after 24 hours.



Mid-stage: If the early treatment has not finished or applied, it moves to the mid-term treatment stage.


治疗方案:肿胀仍明显者,敷贴肿胀部位周围,一天 1 次;肿胀不明显者,直接敷贴受损疼痛部位,一天 1 次。直到疼痛肿胀消失。7 天为限。

Treatment Plan: If the swelling is still obvious, choose sites around the swelling area for treatment once a day by using Xuewei patche. If the swelling is not obvious, directly apply the Xuewei patch on the injured site and near site once a day. Continue the treatment till the pain and swelling disappeared.



Late stage: If the mid-term treatment has not finished or appliedit moves to the late stage.



Treatment Plan:If the swelling is still obvious, choose 2 sites around the swelling site for treatment once a day by using Xuewei patche. If the swelling is not obvious, directly apply the patche at the injured site and around once a day by using Xuewe patche till the pain and swelling disappeared. 



Chronic injury



Treatment plan: If the swelling is still obvious, to choose two sites around the swelling site for treatment once a day by using Xuewei patch; if the swelling is not obvious,  to treat directly at the pain site and the adjacent location once a day till the pain and swelling disappear.



Expected effect for sports injuries by Sino Hanfang



Acute closed sports injuries: the pain and swelling will be reduced after 1-3 treatments, and 5-8 times of treatment can basically eliminate swelling and pain.



Chronic closed sports injuries: 1-3 times treatment would relieve soreness and pain and about 10 times treatment would make soreness and pain disappeared.




For more information,

Please check the website www.cwtts.net,

or send inquiry to rogerlu@cwtts.net