Sport Injury

Sport Injury


Sports injuries are injuries that occur when engaging in sports or exercise. Sports injuries will occur when overtraining, lack of conditioning, and improper form or technique. Failing to warm up increases the risk of sports injuries. If you feel pain during exercise or while participating in a sport, always take a break or stop the activity to assess the pain. It’s very likely that you could make the injury worse if you decide to ignore it or “play through the pain.” Pain is a signal from your body that something is wrong. listen to your body during physical activity. Many sports injuries can be prevented or minimized in this way.


Sports injuries: It refers to a series of acute contusions or (and) lacerations that occur in the human motion system and tissues other than the bones below the skin, including muscles, ligaments, fascia, tendons, synovium, fat, joint capsule and other tissues, and the damage of peripheral nerves and blood vessels in different situations.



Etiology: Injuries caused by blunt or sharp violence, including bruises, sprains, strains, bruises, falls or impacts. The common parts are mostly the soft tissues around the joints of the extremities and the waist.


Chinese medicine believes that sport injury results Qi and blood stagnation. to cure pain needs to cure stasis first, to eliminate swelling needs blood circulating. No clot, no pain. Therefore, the Qi-activating and blood circulating method runs through all stages in the treatment of sports injuries.



The treatment of muscle injury is mainly based on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, clearing away heat and detoxifying. Chinese medicine has the functions of protecting blood vessels, improving microcirculation, inhibiting inflammatory exudation and infiltration, accelerating the absorption of inflammatory products and eliminating swelling in the early stage of injury; in the middle and late stages, it can promote blood circulation and regulate the body's meridians and qi and blood. After high-intensity training, recovery treatment by Chinese medicine helps a lot for muscle function enhancement and fatigue recovery.


Sino Hanfang TTS has been widely used for diminishing inflammation and relieving pain together with TCM in China. Both Physiotherapy and Anti-inflammatory medication applied plus its high efficiency of medicine penetrating skin, A quick release or recovery can be expected. China National Department of Sport uses Sinofang TTS as a portable medical device for treating acute sport injury when athletes go for games nationwide or worldwide.


Treatment programs

1) Acute injury:

Early stage: The injury need to be checked. if it is severe, the swelling and the bruise is obvious. it should be treated according to the conventional emergency treatment principle (RICE) such as cold compress, pressurization, and elevation. Sinofang TTS is prohibited to use within first 24 hours after injury. After that, Sinofang TTS treatment can be applied around the swelling area.

Mid-term: If the early treatment has not finished or applied, it moves to the mid-term treatment stage. If the swelling is still obvious, choose 2 sites around the swelling area for treatment once a day by using Ashi patche. If the swelling is not obvious, directly apply the Ashi patch on the injured site and near site once a day. It is generally expected to be effective after first treatment. Based on the degree of injury, it needs 5-10 days treatment to effectively relieve or cure the symptoms of redness, swelling, and pain at the injury site. Continue the treatment till the pain and swelling disappeared.



Late stage: If the mid-term treatment has not finished or applied,it moves to the late stage. If the swelling is still obvious, choose 2 sites around the swelling site for treatment once a day by using Ashi patche. If the swelling is not obvious, directly apply the patche at the injured site and around once a day by using Ashi patche till the pain and swelling disappeared.