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Treatment Plan for Chronic Respiratory Disease


Chronic respiratory disease treatment plan




Rehabilitation treatment mechanism of chronic respiratory diseases by Sino Hanfang TTS

呼吸系统慢性病最常见的核心症状是咳、痰、喘 。

The most common symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases are cough, sputum, and asthma.


The chronic disease of the respiratory system firstly occurs in the lungs. Chronic cough can lead to lung deficiency if treatment delayed. Long lasting lung deficiency would consume its source Qi and harm the spleen, and lastly result Qi deficiency both in lung and spleen. Lung Qi deficiency is the pathological basis for disease repeatedly outbreak. When lung being deficiency, external evils are prone to repeatedly invade and induce the onset of the disease due to the weak defense.


Phlegm is an important pathological product and pathogenic factor of chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Phlegm retention in lung leads to the recurrent disease which really entangle the patient from time to time. Phlegm and its turbidity stagnate the lungs, the lung Qi stagnates too. That results functional decline in lung. Since the heart governs the blood vessel, when it excessively operates, the heart Qi and heart Yang weaken and decrease its boosting power. Finally, blood stasis stands in the lung and channels block.



The cupping disc of Sino Hanfang TTS can evenly heat up the covered body skin during the rehabilitation treatment. Its humid heat reaches into the deep of the body, dilates the blood vessels of the treatment site, breaks the barrier and hence the substance metabolism. Therefore, the medicine is able to quickly enter acupuncture points through the skin, runs through the meridians, Qi and blood, and reach the relevant organs. Consequently the lung warmed and Qi activated, phlegm expelled and asthma ceased.



The ingredients Sino Hanfang used for treating chronic respiratory diseases aims for dispelling wind and dampness by hydrating phlegm, facilitating the flow of the lung-qi and diaphoresis, relieving cough and asthma. The selected acupoint of Feishu and Geshu mainly function as activating Yang and diaphoresis, facilitating the flow of the lung-qi and relieving asthma. The medicine and the acupoints jointly regulate meridians and viscera, regulate Qi and blood, Yin and Yang, strengthen the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors so that pulmonary Qi turns back to normal, vital energy is inspired and the resistance against diseases is enhanced. Finally we are able to prevent or heal the pulmonary disease.



Chronic respiratory diseases suitable for  rehabilitation treatment



Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough variant asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic cough, alveolar proteinosis and other diseases.



Rehabilitation treatment of chronic respiratory diseases



Treatment time: From Monday to Saturday, skip on Sunday; one treatment per day, 4 sites per treatment; 24 times /treatment cycle.



Treatment site: Kesou patches apply on the acupoints of dual Feishu and dual Geshu. The treatment sites illustrated as below:



Expected efficacy of chronic respiratory diseases treated by Sino Hanfang TTS





After 3-5 times treatment, cough and sputum are obviously alleviated;

After 10 times treatment, 80% patients experience significant improvement on their   clinic symptoms such as cough, sputum, and asthma;

After 1-3 treatment cycles, 50% of patients may improve their lung function.





For more information,

Please check the website www.cwtts.net,

or send inquiry to rogerlu@cwtts.net