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Treatment Plan for COVID-19 Prophylaxis


Treatment Plan for COVID-19 Prophylaxis



Principle of Sino  Hanfang TTS for COVID-19 Prophylaxis



The immune system of human body is an important barrier for the body against foreign viruses. The system includes bone marrow, thymus, lymph, pancreas, and cecum. Low immunity is susceptible to various diseases such as respiratory tract, digestive tract and other infectious diseases.



Chinese medicine believes that Qi moves when gradually heating up but damps when gradually cooling down, and blood moves when Qi is warmed. Warm stimulation can make Qi and blood work harmonically, keep blood circulating and Qi moving, eliminating blood stasis and dissipating clot . Contemporary medical research shows that fever is a warning sign issued by the body's immune mechanism. Immune cell groups will fight against the pathogens after they invades. And its secretory substances act on the body's temperature regulation center to increase body temperature. Medical research has confirmed that the combat capabilities of immune cells will increase with increasing body temperature. Therefore, an appropriate increase in thymus temperature is benefit  to the body's  immune function.


新汉方TTS在新冠预防治疗过程中,所选部位为背部上半部的大椎穴、双肺腧穴、灵台穴,通过在背部上半部位胸腺所对应部位的皮肤上加上恒定的热流,可以将热量传递给胸腺组织,进而可增强胸腺产生T 细胞的能力,增强人体的自身免疫能力。

When Sino Hanfang TTS is used for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the selected acupoints are Dazhui, Dual Feishu, and Lingtai in the upper part of the back. By adding a constant heat flow to the skin corresponding to the thymus, the heat can be transferred to thymus tissue that would enhance the ability for thymus to produce T cells and enhance the body's autoimmunity.



According to the principle of TCM that claims seeking the origin of the disease first. It is necessary to warm Yang and nourish Qi If the immunity becomes weak. According to clinic reports, acupoint stimulation at Dazhui, Feishu and Lingtai can strengthen the body resistance, eliminate pathogen, and prevent evil from inward invasion.



Acupoint Dazhui, which belongs to the Governor Meridian Acupoint, also known as "Bai Lao Acupoint", is the "meeting point of the all Yangs" of the human body. It is a great acupoint where the human body's three Yang Meridians and the Governor Meridian meet.  It is further called Governor Meridian Assembly that governs the whole body.  Dazhui acts as a king of Yang and can greatly improve the body's immunity, stimulate the production of antibodies, and improve lung respiratory function.


肺俞具有调肺气、补虚的功效,主治咳嗽等肺系疾病。现代研究表明刺激肺俞可增强呼吸功能, 使肺通气量、肺活量及耗氧量增加。

Acupoint Feishu functionings regulating lung Qi and replenishing Deficiency. It is mainly used to treat lung diseases such as cough. Modern medical studies shows that stimulating at acupoints Feishu can enhance respiratory function and increase lung ventilation, vital capacity, and oxygen consumption.



Acupoint Lingtai is a place where Qi and Blood of Governor Meridian are transformed into Yang heat to air. This acupoint is used to treat diseases such as cough and asthma. Stimulating acupoint Lingtai is also benefit to Qi and supplement Yang.



The above treatment mechanisms present two outstanding features. Firstly, to add a constant heat flow to the skin of the treatment site would warm up the tissue under the skin area where treated. Immune ability will be boosted. Secondly, to stimulate at proper acupoints, such as Dazhui, Feishu and Lingtai, will improve respiratory function. When herbs, which promote blood circulation and regulate the meridians, applied to these acupoints, additional effects brings including eliminating stasis and loosen the nodes, dredging the blood vessels, and comprehensively adjusting the whole organs function.



Prophylaxis plan for COVID-19 pneumonia by Sino Hanfang TTS



      Treatment time: From Monday to Saturday, skip on Sunday; once a day, 4 sites each treatment; 24 times per treatment cycle.



      Treatment site:  Acupoint Dazhui, Lingtai and Dual Feishu. All use Xuewei patch. The treatment site is illustrated as below:



Expected effect for prophylaxis of COVID-19 pneumonia by Sino Hanfang TTS



The symptoms of respiratory discomfort, such as cough, sputum, throat discomfort and other symptoms, would be obviously improved after about 5 times of treatment. 1-2 treatment cycles can effectively improve the body's resistance and human immunity, enhance respiratory function, increase lung capacity and lung ventilation. Meanwhile, sub-health symptoms such as bad sleep and fatigue can also be effectively improved.




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