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Treatment Plan for COVID-19 Infected Patient


Treatment Plan for COVID -19 infected pneumonia patient




Mechanism of Sino Hanfang TTS in Treating COVID-19 Pneumonia


根据中国国家医政医管局颁发的《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎治疗方案(实行第七版)》文件,COVID -19初期为寒湿郁肺,中期为疫毒闭肺,重症期为内闭外脱,恢复期为肺脾气虚。

According to the "COVID-19 Infected Pneumonia Treatment Plan (Seventh Edition)" issued by the National Medical Administration of the People's Republic of China, COVID -19 infected patient features cold and damp lungs in the early stage, closing lung in the middle period, and internal closure and deterioration in severe stage. It features Qi deficiency in lung and spleen in the recovery period.


中国出现新型冠状病毒疫情后,湖北省中西医结合医院、湖北省中医药、湖北省孝感市博爱医院、北京回民医院、邯郸市第七医院等多家新冠定点医院,应用新汉方TTS动力温控经皮给药治疗技术参与重症患者的救治,所有经新汉方TTS治疗的患者,出院 CT检查结果显示肺部炎性病变均有不同程度的吸收。

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, a number of designated hospitals such as Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Hubei Provincial Chinese Medicine, Hubei Bogan Hospital in Xiaogan City, Beijing Huimin Hospital, Handan Seventh Hospital, etc. have used Sino Hanfang TTS technology for treating critical patients. All patients who received Sino Hanfang TTS treatment have been discharged. Their CT examination  showed the lung inflammatory lesions have been largely absorbed.



Sino Hanfang TTS, Powered Thermal-Controlled Transdermal Drug Delivery Technology, applies Kesou patch at acupoint dual Feishu, and Xuewei patch at the acupoint of Dazhui and Lingtai, which can quickly alleviate patients' cough symptoms, improve blood oxygen saturation, and promote lung Inflammatory lesions being absorbed.



Kesou prescriptionCamphor c/w Aconiti Radix, Strychni Semen, Rehmanniae Radix, Smilacis Glabrae RhizomaAsari Radix et Rhizoma, etc.



In this prescription, Aconiti Radix, Strychni Semen, arisaema, Angelicae Pubescentis Radix, Clematidis Radix et Rhizoma, Asari Radix et Rhizoma are all of warm or hot and strong penetration. This prescription  mainly consists of hot and warm ingredients and features relieving rheumatism and cold, eliminating phlegm and freeing lung channels. Additionally, when combined by Chuanxiong Rhizoma, it promotes vital energy and blood, boosts Qi movement in whole body, expels wind and alleviates pain. Rehmanniae Radix, which is bitter and cold is another ingredient, It can remove pathogenic heat from blood and nourish Yin for promoting the secretion of saliva. Angelica, known as for enriching blood, will  activate blood circulation, help to dispel blood stasis and prevent the body from exhaustion and injury because of massive “hot” herb in proportion in the prescription.

Asari Radix et Rhizoma is characterized as strong penetration and helping drug going from the interior to the exterior, Camphor is characterized as aromatic stimulant for resuscitation and pain stop and helping drugs going from the exterior to the interior. Both In and Out act like lung breathing in and out and facilitate  the functional activities of the lung. So this prescription features warming meridian, freeing channels, conducting Qi and dissipating phlegm.


通络方:樟脑生川乌,生南星,赤芍,川芎, 草红花等

Xuewei prescriptionCamphor c/w Aconitum Carmichaelii Root, Arisaematis RhizomaPaeoniae Radix RubraChuanxiong RhizomaCarthamus Tinctorius Flower Bud, etc.



   In this prescription, Aconitum Carmichaelii Root is the core ingredient in this prescription for regulating the meridians and relieving the pain by eliminating cold-damp and warming meridian. Additionally, other herbs are also enclosed such as Chuanxiong Rhizoma, radix achyranthis bidentatae, ligusticum wallichii, phrymataceae, red flower, Dipsaci Radix. These ingredients facilitate vital energy and blood, dissipate the stasis and stagnation, activate the meridians. Radix achyranthis bidentatae and Dipsaci Radix go into the meridians of liver and kidney where drug effect presents for nourishing  the vital energy and blood. Red flower promotes blood circulation and remove meridian obstruction. Chinese Angelica enriches the blood and invigorate the circulation of blood. Asarum sieboldii and Arisaematis Rhizoma possess the effect of relieving rheumatism and cold. Camphor is aromatic and able to bring the drug from external to the internal.



Treatment plan for COVID-19 pneumonia by Sino Hanfang TTS

1)  重症患者 Servere patient


2 treatments per day, 4 sites per treatment. The first treatment applies at the acupoints of Dazhui (Xuewei Ptach), Lingtai (Xuewei Patch), Dual Fish  (Kesou Patch); the second treatment applies on the Acupoints of dual Feishu(Kesou Patch), dual Geshu (Kesou Patch).


2)  、中症患者Mild and moderate patients


One treatment per day, 4 sites each treatment at acupoint of Dazhui (Xuewei Patch), Lingtai (Xuewei Patch), Dual Fish (Kesou Patch).



Expected effect for treating COVID-19 pneumonia by Sino Hanfang TTS

1)  重症患者 Servere patient


After 5-7 days treatment, body temperature and blood oxygen saturation go back to normal. Patient’s cough symptoms disappear and breath smoothly.


2)  、中症患者Mild and moderate patients


Mild & moderate patients: After 3-5 days treatment, body temperature goes back to normal, The patient could smoothly breath and no more fatigue.




For more information,

Please check the website www.cwtts.net,

or send inquiry to rogerlu@cwtts.net